Be so busy loving your life, you have no time for hate, regret or fear

Posts Tagged ‘Mammogram’

Have You Had The”Girls” Checked This Year??

In Daily Chronicles, Daily Musings on October 20, 2014 at 4:45 pm

Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Today I went to have my “Girls” checked out.  A yearly duty, though not pleasant (the smushing!!), is a life saving necessity! Please ladies if you have not done so yet, make that appointment to have your mammogram today.

I’ve lost two friends this year to this dreadful disease; one of them was lost due to being so consumed with her career, she had not gone for a check up in over 15 years, it took for her to suddenly fall ill, to find out she was at stage 4 and the disease had spread. Please, NEVER EVER let your job get in the way of your health.

RIP  ~ Nikkia & Susanne

Love, Light & Blessings
