Be so busy loving your life, you have no time for hate, regret or fear

Posts Tagged ‘Blog’

Evernote, Busy Life & Friday Musings…

In Friday Chronicles on November 13, 2015 at 12:31 pm


Hi Darlings!

I hope you’ve had a wonderful and productive week.  It just occurred to me that I haven’t blogged in 10 days!! Jeez!! Life has been so busy and hectic, that I didn’t realize 10 days had gone by (time is going by a little too fast if you ask me).  I try to draft posts either in Evernote or in my trusty journal, but sometimes they just don’t make it to publication because time is so limited.

Speaking of Evernote, I love this lovely piece of software, if you’re not using Evernote go to your app store or online and download it now! If you want to know more about the great features of Evernote, the blog Ginger & Co has a lovely write-up.  What do you do to help you blog on a regular basis?

Since it’s Friday, and the weekend is here, remember it’s…

quotes, motivational, quotes, happy, champagne, friday

Have yourselves a fantastic weekend!

The Return!!!

In Daily Chronicles, Daily Musings on October 1, 2015 at 4:47 pm

#home #door #number


I can’t believe it’s been 3 months since my last blog post!  My life has been an absolute whirlwind, beautiful new home, new contract, new hair (if you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know what I’m talking about! scroll down the page to my IG feed), growing spiritually and tuning into my faith more than I ever have in my life!  God has been good to me! The last 3 months have been trying, joyful, painful, disappointing, frustrating, enlightening, every adjective you can think of; but you know what?  The beautiful thing is, I’m still here, stronger, more joyful and happier than I’ve truly been in the last couple of years.

I’m ready to return to blogging, because my mind, body and spirit are in a wonderful place and I’m finally ready to really grow my brand and take it into the stratosphere. the grand heights, which I envisioned 5 years ago when I started Maylana’s Closet, Maylana’s Chronicles and now Style1963, more on that last one in the coming months. To be honest, my dreams are even bigger, than they were before!

If you’re wondering what the image above represents, it’s the number of my new home. 212 means a lot to me, because when I first moved to NY from London, 212 was my area code, so it seems fitting that I’ve come full circle and am now living at 212 in Washington, DC!

I’ve missed you all, I’ve missed blogging, sitting at my computer composing my blog posts, communicating with my fellow bloggers, and all the extra stuff which goes with being a blogger and building a brand.  I’m so happy to say… I’M BACK!!! And what better way, than to make a fabulous return at the beginning of a brand new month.

I’ll see you all very soon!

Love, Life and Creativity

Maylana - Headwrap


Chronicles on Hiatus

In Friday Chronicles on June 26, 2015 at 11:19 am



Hello darlings!

Today I made the difficult decision to place my blog on hiatus.  My blog is really important to me, but in my opinion, if I can’t dedicate 100% then don’t do it at all.  I have so much going on right now, huge life changes, which just don’t allow me the brain space to  create blog posts, go out and about and take photos or research what I’m writing about, then edit and do all the other wonderful things that we bloggers do to make our blogs exciting and worth reading. Putting my blog on hiatus, allows me to step back, take a deep breath and allow the universe to do what it does best.

2015 has already shaped up to be an interesting year for me, and with so much going on, it’s become overwhelming.  I’m not sure how long I’ll be away, but I’m hoping to return mid August, early September.

From time to time, I may post a quick blog post here and there, but the best way to keep up with me is to follow me @maylana on Instagram, @maylana on Pinterest or @maylanascloset on Twitter.  I promise you, I will eventually write about my travels to Dubai, which was so amazing and I feel truly blessed to have been given the opportunity to visit such an exotic and at the same time a thoroughly modern country.  I’m looking forward to sharing the wonderful photos and my lovely experience there.  I’m so glad I traveled to Dubai at the beginning of the year, because it may not have happened at all.

Be Creative, Be Peaceful, Be You

See you soon!

Maylana May

Three Years Old Today…

In Daily Chronicles on January 5, 2015 at 6:01 pm


Number 3

Maylana’s Chronicles is THREE!! Oh my goodness! Where did the time go?  It has been an amazing journey. So much has happened in my life, in the 3 years since I decided to become a blogger; some things amazing, some things not so much.  What’s important is, it’s been a fantastic and enlightening journey, I’ve learned so much, and I’m looking forward to showing you what’s to come in 2015.

I want to thank my true followers, who have stuck with me, through little to no blog posts, to blog posts every single day.  Thank you for being here!

I love every single one of you


Turning Ashes Into Beauty…

In Daily Chronicles, Daily Musings on October 1, 2014 at 1:24 pm

Well Darlings:

Here we are the 10th month of the year, can you truly believe that we are staring yet another Thanksgiving and Christmas season dead in the face??  Is 2015 really 3 months away!!  Is that Swarovski Crystal ball ready to drop in Times Square for its 107th year?? This has been another interesting, difficult, challenging and sobering year for me, but yet again, lessons have been learned and I have taken note.  I didn’t have writer’s or blogger’s block, I just didn’t have quality posts to publish or interesting things to say.  For me it’s the BEST or NOTHING and I chose to do nothing while I regrouped my blog, my company and my thoughts.  Sometimes you have to let the negative things pass through before you move on to the next thing.

This time away (and huge gaps in posting) has allowed me to appreciate a lot of the other blogs here on WordPress, my fellow bloggers have a lot to say and it’s definitely required reading.  I love going into my WordPress Reader, because it has allowed me to read and see the creative expressions of others.  The one thing I’ve learned about blogging is it’s not always about me, but about what my fellow writers are thinking and doing.  I’ve learned a lot from them. They have inspired me to keep publishing.  I’ve learned that there’s a whole lot more to blogging then what I’m currently wearing.  In another post, I’ll list the blogs I’m following, maybe you can check them out too.

A particularly horrendous time in my life (which literally stunted me, mentally and emotionally) is finally over and a new me has emerged (actually still emerging!), I’m finally resurfacing as an entirely new woman, an entirely new writer, an entirely new entrepreneur.  I’m hoping you see the growth in my writings, photography and business ventures, and even if you don’t it’s OK, because I know it’s there.  There is a different thought pattern behind what I do now.  Whether, it’s a beauty, or style post, the latest technology, an interesting book or something to uplift and motivate you, this is a different writer, then the one who started blogging 2 years ago (nearly three!) a different writer who wrote earlier this year!  If we’re lucky we never stay the same, but shed the old worn out skin and emerge bigger, brighter and more colourful than we were before; hopefully life’s difficulties causes us to soar and figure out who we really are and where we truly want to be.

I’ve been blessed to have a large blog following, who have stuck with me even through my intermittent blog posts. I don’t publish numbers, a confident blogger doesn’t need to.  All that matters is I love you all for sticking with me

Thanks to my Instagram Stylistas who like and comment on my photos, Instagram has been a form of photo blogging for me, (and therapeutic!) a quick photo and a caption, not having to say too much has been perfect for this time in my life.  It has kept me in touch with quality bloggers and people who just enjoy taking photos.  Again, it has never been about the amount of followers, I certainly don’t have what would be considered a large following on Instagram, but I have quality and meaningful connections and have made fantastic business and social contacts, that mean a whole lot more to me.  To all my Selfie Queens (and Kings) out there, keep taking your selfies, if they make you happy, don’t worry about what anyone has to say about you flooding your feed with photos of you, it’s YOUR FEED…  Do You!

One thing I know for sure is God has turned ‘ashes’ into ‘beauty’ many times in my life, and he is turning what was meant for ashes into beauty as I speak!

Love, Light & Blessings


Quote - I do not exist to impress the world

Busy Chronicles And Other Musings…

In Daily Chronicles, Daily Musings on July 10, 2014 at 11:40 am


Maylana Future One Edit

Oh my!!! It’s been a while Darlings!  What with my travels to Los Angeles for the BET Awards and BET Experience; and then back and forth to New York and beyond, it certainly has been a busy time in the land of Maylana.  Unfortunately this has given me very little time to blog.  I hope you are enjoying our foray into summer.  It’s been sweltering in DC, it was definitely much cooler and less humid in L.A.

Back to the BET Awards and the BET Experience, which was held at LA Live in downtown Los Angeles.  The most enjoyable moment for me was the Mary J. Blige concert at the Staples Center, it was definitely the old Mary on stage, singing hits from her earlier albums from the mid 90’s to the 2000’s; which we all sang along to, with gusto at the top of our lungs, until we were hoarse.

With my crazy and unpredictable schedule, I’m not sure when my next blog post will be, but you can keep up with me on Instagram @ “Maylana” which is easier for me, until my schedule becomes a little more predictable.  In the meantime, enjoy this gorgeous weather, exercise, eat good clean food, and have yourselves the most wonderful time, and don’t forget to throw in some fun for good measure.

Love, Blessings and Light.

Maylana - Cat Eyes


heart Red

Candy Musings…

In Daily Chronicles, Daily Musings on April 7, 2014 at 6:45 pm

Daily Candy Goodbye

Oh my gosh Darlings! It’s been 2 weeks since my last post; life has been busy, busy, busy, with its highs, lows and the in betweens.

Since my last post, one of my all time favourite blogs, Daily Candy closed it’s doors for the last time on April 4.  I can’t believe it’s been fourteen years.  I remember the day they started, every fashionista worth her salt in New York, made sure she received her Candy emails, which was nothing more than a stylish newsletter at the time.  Daily Candy eventually branched out to other cities and countries and a blogging star was truly born.

I loved the artwork of the  original illustrator, SuJean Rim, who worked with the site for the first 12 years.  She captured the essence of a “Candy” girl.


I was working for a major record label, when Daily Candy made her debut back in the year 2000, bringing back great memories of living in New York City, and striding through Manhattan in 4″ stilettos.  Thank you Daily Candy for being one of the original daily blogs (you inspired me, and so many others), thanks for the broad range of new fashion designers, home goods, restaurants, daily deals (they were way ahead of Groupon) and many other niceties, you continuously brought our way.

Thank you for a fabulously chic ride, and for being a true pioneer in the blogasphere!

Maylana - Cat Eyes

Fabulously Two!!

In Daily Musings, Weekend Chronicles on January 5, 2014 at 1:07 pm

Maylanascloset, Maylana's Closet #maylanascloset #maylanaschronicles, Maylana's Chronicles, 2nd Anniversary, 2nd Birthday #2ndanniversary, #2ndbirthday, Maylana's Chronicles Blog

Today Maylana’s Chronicles {formerly Maylana’s Closet} is two years old!! What a fantastic and enlightening journey it has been so far.  A big Thank You to all my followers, who have been here from the very beginning, and those of you, who have joined me along the way.  To all the blogging networks in the US and the UK, thank you for your support and guidance.  I’m so proud of my blog, I have so much more I want to accomplish, but I truly understand, that something extraordinary takes time, and cannot be rushed.  You must crawl, before you can walk.  Everything will come together at exactly the right time!  I am blessed!

Thank you for walking with me on this wonderful blogging journey, there is so much more yet to come.  Stay Tuned

Love, Creativity, Blessings & Light

maylana's chronicles, maylana's closet #maylanascloset #blogger, #styleblogger #fur, fur, style blogger, lifestyle blogger, #lifestylebloggerMaylana|Editor-in-Chief

It Feels Great To Be Back!!

In Daily Musings on October 14, 2013 at 8:41 pm

Missing Blogger returns from self-imposed spiritual journey to continue doing what she loves… I’M BACK!!! New name, New attitude, New me!

NewspaperMaylana's Closet Logo

The Return…

In Daily Musings on October 14, 2013 at 3:07 pm

Loving life in Sepia #maylanascloset #style #chic

Wow!!! I’ve been gone a long time!! (Since June to be exact) but I am back feeling wonderful and truly full of life. This blissful, spiritual, and constantly learning journey I’m on, has been truly amazing, taking the hard lowball hits with the wonderful euphoric highs; I’m glad to be back!!! New Name, New Attitude, New Me! 

 New Name   

I’ve decided to rename my blog “Maylana’s Chronicles“, which will be more in line with the direction my blog is going in.  Maylana’s Closet will strictly be my boutique where you’ll continue to find beautiful vintage and new items, crochet accessories, and all things beautiful.  Watch out for fabulous new items, showcasing soon! Maylana’s Closet will also remain the name of my Facebook , Twitter and Tumblr pages.

Self Hosting

To take my blog to the next level self hosting is necessary, and coming very soon, so there will be a new blog layout.  I’m really excited about the new look and feel of my online magazine.  I will continue to bring you my interpretation of timeless style, beautiful clothing/accessories, beauty, cool gadgets, great stories, positive affirmations, and a beautiful ray of chic sunshine to bring a sparkle to your day. I truly wanted to start over with the new theme, but there are so many beautiful ones out there, and it was taking too long for me to make a final choice; so watch out for layout change soon.

I will continue to use the url until the final migration.  For those of you looking for a self hosting platform, my research has shown Blue Host to be one of the best, and is also highly recommended by WordPress.

Thank You 

Thanks to all of you who continued to read my blog; read all my older entries from the archives; sent words of encouragement, and truly supported me.  Many thanks to my new followers, who started discovered and started following when I was not blogging on a regular basis {there were quite a few of you); and thanks to those of you who recently recommended my blog to your inner circles and sent out lots of tweets promoting my blog to your own followers, which in turn caused my blog to grow even more… LOVE YOU♥♥  I was really worried about being gone for so long, but due to the fantastic support I was blessed with, I had no need.  I’m honored to be part of the blogging community.

Maylana’s New Anthem

I’m going to leave you with my new anthem… Katy Perry’s Roar! Listen to the words, watch the video carefully, get the message. This song spoke to me, from the moment I heard it, this song is me. Truly an anthem for those of us, moving forward, 4″ heels and all!

Maylana's Closet Logo