Be so busy loving your life, you have no time for hate, regret or fear

Posts Tagged ‘Motivation’

Small Business Saturday 2016…

In Weekend Chronicles on November 28, 2015 at 12:24 pm

small business, small business Saturday, November 28


Here we are again! Thanksgiving is over and its Small Business Saturday.  The million dollar question is… Where on earth did the time go!!! This year has moved so fast, there’s been no time to think.  One minute it was January 1, new year’s day, now we’re looking at Christmas all over again.  Today, November 28th, please support small business, whether online, or brick and mortar.  Entrepreneurs truly rely on you to make this a big day for them, especially with the holidays right around the corner.

There are so many ways to find beautiful items created and sold by a small business. Just walk down your local high street, there are probably quite a few there; Etsy is also a great place to find unusual gift items created by talented individuals, and also to discover items you won’t find anywhere else. Today, ditch the big box stores (trust me they’ve made their profits for the year 100 times over), and seek out a few small businesses and make an entrepreneurs day! Happy Shopping

And remember…

Bette Davis


A Relaxing Sunday…

In Weekend Chronicles on November 1, 2015 at 2:30 pm

Blog Post - November 1

Hopefully you’ve remembered to “fall backwards” in other words, set your clocks and multiple devices back one hour and gotten that much-needed extra hour in bed.  I’m taking it really easy today, as I’ve set myself some important goals for the coming week.  What goals have you set for yourself this week? Above is a snapshot of how I plan to spend my day. Hopefully this post will inspire you to take a page out of my book and make this day a truly relaxing one, so that you can be totally refreshed for the week ahead.

And remember…

Quote - Joss Whedon



Turning Ashes Into Beauty…

In Daily Chronicles, Daily Musings on October 1, 2014 at 1:24 pm

Well Darlings:

Here we are the 10th month of the year, can you truly believe that we are staring yet another Thanksgiving and Christmas season dead in the face??  Is 2015 really 3 months away!!  Is that Swarovski Crystal ball ready to drop in Times Square for its 107th year?? This has been another interesting, difficult, challenging and sobering year for me, but yet again, lessons have been learned and I have taken note.  I didn’t have writer’s or blogger’s block, I just didn’t have quality posts to publish or interesting things to say.  For me it’s the BEST or NOTHING and I chose to do nothing while I regrouped my blog, my company and my thoughts.  Sometimes you have to let the negative things pass through before you move on to the next thing.

This time away (and huge gaps in posting) has allowed me to appreciate a lot of the other blogs here on WordPress, my fellow bloggers have a lot to say and it’s definitely required reading.  I love going into my WordPress Reader, because it has allowed me to read and see the creative expressions of others.  The one thing I’ve learned about blogging is it’s not always about me, but about what my fellow writers are thinking and doing.  I’ve learned a lot from them. They have inspired me to keep publishing.  I’ve learned that there’s a whole lot more to blogging then what I’m currently wearing.  In another post, I’ll list the blogs I’m following, maybe you can check them out too.

A particularly horrendous time in my life (which literally stunted me, mentally and emotionally) is finally over and a new me has emerged (actually still emerging!), I’m finally resurfacing as an entirely new woman, an entirely new writer, an entirely new entrepreneur.  I’m hoping you see the growth in my writings, photography and business ventures, and even if you don’t it’s OK, because I know it’s there.  There is a different thought pattern behind what I do now.  Whether, it’s a beauty, or style post, the latest technology, an interesting book or something to uplift and motivate you, this is a different writer, then the one who started blogging 2 years ago (nearly three!) a different writer who wrote earlier this year!  If we’re lucky we never stay the same, but shed the old worn out skin and emerge bigger, brighter and more colourful than we were before; hopefully life’s difficulties causes us to soar and figure out who we really are and where we truly want to be.

I’ve been blessed to have a large blog following, who have stuck with me even through my intermittent blog posts. I don’t publish numbers, a confident blogger doesn’t need to.  All that matters is I love you all for sticking with me

Thanks to my Instagram Stylistas who like and comment on my photos, Instagram has been a form of photo blogging for me, (and therapeutic!) a quick photo and a caption, not having to say too much has been perfect for this time in my life.  It has kept me in touch with quality bloggers and people who just enjoy taking photos.  Again, it has never been about the amount of followers, I certainly don’t have what would be considered a large following on Instagram, but I have quality and meaningful connections and have made fantastic business and social contacts, that mean a whole lot more to me.  To all my Selfie Queens (and Kings) out there, keep taking your selfies, if they make you happy, don’t worry about what anyone has to say about you flooding your feed with photos of you, it’s YOUR FEED…  Do You!

One thing I know for sure is God has turned ‘ashes’ into ‘beauty’ many times in my life, and he is turning what was meant for ashes into beauty as I speak!

Love, Light & Blessings


Quote - I do not exist to impress the world

September, September…

In Daily Chronicles, Daily Musings on September 1, 2014 at 8:47 pm

Wow Darlings, can you believe it’s September?? Where did the summer go? Where did the time go? I feel like everything is moving at warp speed; you can’t even make plans, because before you know it, in the blink of an eye, time has flown by and if you’re not careful, you’re standing where you were in January.

I hope you’ve been able to accomplish whatever it is you’ve set out to do so far, and if you haven’t, don’t be hard on yourselves, starting today is soon enough.  For me, one chapter of my life has finally closed and it’s an exhilarating time, new beginnings are here and I’m so looking forward to the future.  I’ve got lots in store, and I’m truly excited about things to come, but this time, I’d rather show then tell! It’s time to go BRAND NEW!

Whatever you do, be good to yourselves, and remember…

#quotes, #inspiration, #woman, #women #champagne


A Blissfully Blessed Weekend…

In Weekend Chronicles on March 23, 2014 at 4:08 pm

Happy Sunday Darlings! Well today it’s a cold 43 degrees on this 4th day of spring.  Yesterday, we got to a whopping 67 degrees in Washington DC, and I must say quite a few people felt the need to take all their clothes off.  Not me!!! I was dressed in lovable layers.

Until I see a constant 75 degrees, I’m not removing too much.  This was me yesterday, browsing in Marshall’s, who had one of the best selfie taking mirrors.

Maylana's Chronicles, Maylana's Closet #maylanascloset #layers #fashion #style


And remember…

Don't settle

I hope you’re having a beautiful and relaxed Sunday. Wishing you a Blissfully Blessed week!



This Friday…

In Daily Chronicles, Daily Musings on February 28, 2014 at 11:12 am

Embrace Your Body


And every single day, no matter how full or slim your body is. No matter how many so-called flaws and blemishes, embrace them all.  Embrace every single curve (or non curve), embrace and love every single part of you, because YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, YOU ARE UNIQUE!

Being healthy is more important than what society claims beautiful to be.  Eat well, Exercise well,  Sleep well, Be well.

Have a beautifully blessed day!


Love You!!!

In Daily Musings, Friday Chronicles on February 14, 2014 at 11:52 am

Valentine's Day, #valentinesday, Love, #Love #maylanascloset #maylanaschronicles

Happy Valentine’s Day to all my Style Mavens, and especially to all my single ladies, who may feel a little left out and alone today.  Never ever let this day make you feel any less than you are or like you’re missing something, because you’re not.  You are Whole, Beautiful, Fabulous, Creative and Talented.

For all you single ladies, here’s your anthem “I’m Every Woman” by Chaka Khan

Love and Kisses to you all… SmoochesValentine's Day, #valentinesday, Love, #Love #maylanascloset #maylanaschronicles

No Super Bowl XLVIII Here!!!

In Weekend Chronicles on February 2, 2014 at 6:30 pm
Bathroom 8 - this

What I’ll be doing during Super Bowl

I’m really not into the Super Bowl, every news, and talk show program this past week has made a reference or dedicated an entire show to this event. The only thing about the Super Bowl that entertains me, are the commercials, and to see which player is more handsome than the other, for me that’s the full extent of the Super Bowl.  So this evening is going to be a night of pampering, book reading, journal writing, watching Downton Abby and catching up on all those shows that have been sitting in my DVR since last year.

Susie Larson Blessings For The Evening #maylanaschronicles Maylana's Chronicles

I was given a gift at Christmas, of this beautiful little book, which I’m reading right now; it’s Susie Larson’s “Blessing’s for the Evening.  This is such an elegant little book, which is quite heavy for its size, with a beautiful padded cover, complete with gorgeous photography and inspirational quotes to help you wind down your evening on a positive note.  The premise is to read a devotional each night, but it’s so beautifully written,  and feels so lovely in your hands, you can’t help but read a few pages at a time.  You can see Susie’s beautiful quotes on Pinterest.


Blessings for the evening quote


For those of you who are football fans… Enjoy! May your team win! I’ll be sipping a glass of red.




Images via Google Images & Pinterest

This Weekend…

In Weekend Chronicles on January 11, 2014 at 1:21 pm

Whatever is good for your soul #maylanaschronicles, Maylana's Chronicles, Maylana's Closet, #Maylanascloset, #Inspire, #Inspirationalquotes, Inspirational Quotes

It’s pouring with rain here in DC, but I’m nice and toasty with a wonderful smoothie consisting of carrot juice, almond milk, papaya, peaches, flax seed, spinach, parsley, and almond slices… Yum♥  

A rainy Saturday, is a perfect time to just curl up and watch reruns of Sherlock Holmes, with Benedict Cumberbatch, until the new series starts here in the U.S., which is what I’m going to do.

Have yourselves a fabulously chic weekend

Photo courtesy of Google Images

My Declaration…

In Daily Musings on January 2, 2014 at 10:47 am

My Declaration