Be so busy loving your life, you have no time for hate, regret or fear

Posts Tagged ‘WordPress Blogger’

The Return!!!

In Daily Chronicles, Daily Musings on October 1, 2015 at 4:47 pm

#home #door #number


I can’t believe it’s been 3 months since my last blog post!  My life has been an absolute whirlwind, beautiful new home, new contract, new hair (if you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know what I’m talking about! scroll down the page to my IG feed), growing spiritually and tuning into my faith more than I ever have in my life!  God has been good to me! The last 3 months have been trying, joyful, painful, disappointing, frustrating, enlightening, every adjective you can think of; but you know what?  The beautiful thing is, I’m still here, stronger, more joyful and happier than I’ve truly been in the last couple of years.

I’m ready to return to blogging, because my mind, body and spirit are in a wonderful place and I’m finally ready to really grow my brand and take it into the stratosphere. the grand heights, which I envisioned 5 years ago when I started Maylana’s Closet, Maylana’s Chronicles and now Style1963, more on that last one in the coming months. To be honest, my dreams are even bigger, than they were before!

If you’re wondering what the image above represents, it’s the number of my new home. 212 means a lot to me, because when I first moved to NY from London, 212 was my area code, so it seems fitting that I’ve come full circle and am now living at 212 in Washington, DC!

I’ve missed you all, I’ve missed blogging, sitting at my computer composing my blog posts, communicating with my fellow bloggers, and all the extra stuff which goes with being a blogger and building a brand.  I’m so happy to say… I’M BACK!!! And what better way, than to make a fabulous return at the beginning of a brand new month.

I’ll see you all very soon!

Love, Life and Creativity

Maylana - Headwrap


Three Years Old Today…

In Daily Chronicles on January 5, 2015 at 6:01 pm


Number 3

Maylana’s Chronicles is THREE!! Oh my goodness! Where did the time go?  It has been an amazing journey. So much has happened in my life, in the 3 years since I decided to become a blogger; some things amazing, some things not so much.  What’s important is, it’s been a fantastic and enlightening journey, I’ve learned so much, and I’m looking forward to showing you what’s to come in 2015.

I want to thank my true followers, who have stuck with me, through little to no blog posts, to blog posts every single day.  Thank you for being here!

I love every single one of you


I Just Had To Share…

In Daily Chronicles, Daily Musings on October 14, 2014 at 2:13 pm

Hello Darlings:

For those of you who had the pleasure of a long weekend, I hope you enjoyed it, and in the process, got yourselves some well deserved rest. This is it until Thanksgiving, so I hope you’ve recharged your batteries, and you’re raring to go.  For some of you this may be the final leg of whatever you’ve started this year, and for others it’s just the beginning.  No matter where you are in your endeavors, always remember you are on time, you are not in a race with anyone else.

As I was going through my daily peruse through Pinterest this morning, this quote popped up in my feed and really struck me.  I love all of it, but the intensity of the second paragraph summed it all up for me:

You must allow beauty to shatter you regularly...

What do you like about this quote?

Have yourselves a beautifully blessed day

September, September…

In Daily Chronicles, Daily Musings on September 1, 2014 at 8:47 pm

Wow Darlings, can you believe it’s September?? Where did the summer go? Where did the time go? I feel like everything is moving at warp speed; you can’t even make plans, because before you know it, in the blink of an eye, time has flown by and if you’re not careful, you’re standing where you were in January.

I hope you’ve been able to accomplish whatever it is you’ve set out to do so far, and if you haven’t, don’t be hard on yourselves, starting today is soon enough.  For me, one chapter of my life has finally closed and it’s an exhilarating time, new beginnings are here and I’m so looking forward to the future.  I’ve got lots in store, and I’m truly excited about things to come, but this time, I’d rather show then tell! It’s time to go BRAND NEW!

Whatever you do, be good to yourselves, and remember…

#quotes, #inspiration, #woman, #women #champagne


Busy Chronicles And Other Musings…

In Daily Chronicles, Daily Musings on July 10, 2014 at 11:40 am


Maylana Future One Edit

Oh my!!! It’s been a while Darlings!  What with my travels to Los Angeles for the BET Awards and BET Experience; and then back and forth to New York and beyond, it certainly has been a busy time in the land of Maylana.  Unfortunately this has given me very little time to blog.  I hope you are enjoying our foray into summer.  It’s been sweltering in DC, it was definitely much cooler and less humid in L.A.

Back to the BET Awards and the BET Experience, which was held at LA Live in downtown Los Angeles.  The most enjoyable moment for me was the Mary J. Blige concert at the Staples Center, it was definitely the old Mary on stage, singing hits from her earlier albums from the mid 90’s to the 2000’s; which we all sang along to, with gusto at the top of our lungs, until we were hoarse.

With my crazy and unpredictable schedule, I’m not sure when my next blog post will be, but you can keep up with me on Instagram @ “Maylana” which is easier for me, until my schedule becomes a little more predictable.  In the meantime, enjoy this gorgeous weather, exercise, eat good clean food, and have yourselves the most wonderful time, and don’t forget to throw in some fun for good measure.

Love, Blessings and Light.

Maylana - Cat Eyes


heart Red

Sunday Musings…

In Weekend Chronicles on June 8, 2014 at 8:46 pm

Lana Marimekko Dress


Hi Darlingsheart Red

My posts are a little scant right now, because life is really busy, lots going on, and has also taken an unusual turn, but in the very near future, I will be making important lifestyle changes, where I’ll be able to do exactly what I truly love… “Blog, Style, Vintage™” Stay tuned!  Sometimes you take on a project, which in the beginning you thought was going to enhance your life, but instead has caused you to continually turn to God, to help get you through each day!  Without going into details, it has yet been another teaching moment to guide me through this exciting, and wonderful, yet complicated journey called life.  No matter, what, I am Truly Blessed Beyond Measure!

This quote really spoke to me today…

Quote - I do not exist to impress the world


This weekend in DC was simply glorious!! We truly could not have asked for more, the sky was azure blue, with snow-white clouds and a lovely breeze, even in the high 80’s.

Everywhere I went, everyone just seemed so happy, and there were tons of babies everywhere which is always an adorable sight to see.  Church as always was a joy to attend. I truly love this time of year.

I want to wish you a beautifully blessed week, and until next time, remember to…

Quote - Be Who You Are

 I’m re-posting my anthem, “I’m Every Woman” by Chaka Khan for the “I’m Every Woman” out in this world.  Click on the link and enjoy!

Until next time… Peace, Love & Blessings

Butterfly lips

A Blissfully Blessed Weekend…

In Weekend Chronicles on March 23, 2014 at 4:08 pm

Happy Sunday Darlings! Well today it’s a cold 43 degrees on this 4th day of spring.  Yesterday, we got to a whopping 67 degrees in Washington DC, and I must say quite a few people felt the need to take all their clothes off.  Not me!!! I was dressed in lovable layers.

Until I see a constant 75 degrees, I’m not removing too much.  This was me yesterday, browsing in Marshall’s, who had one of the best selfie taking mirrors.

Maylana's Chronicles, Maylana's Closet #maylanascloset #layers #fashion #style


And remember…

Don't settle

I hope you’re having a beautiful and relaxed Sunday. Wishing you a Blissfully Blessed week!



Fabulously Two!!

In Daily Musings, Weekend Chronicles on January 5, 2014 at 1:07 pm

Maylanascloset, Maylana's Closet #maylanascloset #maylanaschronicles, Maylana's Chronicles, 2nd Anniversary, 2nd Birthday #2ndanniversary, #2ndbirthday, Maylana's Chronicles Blog

Today Maylana’s Chronicles {formerly Maylana’s Closet} is two years old!! What a fantastic and enlightening journey it has been so far.  A big Thank You to all my followers, who have been here from the very beginning, and those of you, who have joined me along the way.  To all the blogging networks in the US and the UK, thank you for your support and guidance.  I’m so proud of my blog, I have so much more I want to accomplish, but I truly understand, that something extraordinary takes time, and cannot be rushed.  You must crawl, before you can walk.  Everything will come together at exactly the right time!  I am blessed!

Thank you for walking with me on this wonderful blogging journey, there is so much more yet to come.  Stay Tuned

Love, Creativity, Blessings & Light

maylana's chronicles, maylana's closet #maylanascloset #blogger, #styleblogger #fur, fur, style blogger, lifestyle blogger, #lifestylebloggerMaylana|Editor-in-Chief

An Inspirational Moment…

In Daily Musings on November 19, 2013 at 10:17 am

Good morning Darlings! I’ve posted this quote before, but I found it fitting to re-post today.


Never allow anyone, to try to remove your crown and throw you off your throne.  YOU ARE QUEEN

I’m sharing this link to an inspirational quote, posted by Joyce Meyer this morning, which was shared by a good friend today.  It was the second timely quote my friend shared with me just this morning; both quotes were so on point, they inspired me to write this post.  It’s amazing how timely certain messages come into your life.  Thank you Ms. J.

Maylana’s message: Be inspired by the bricks that may be thrown at you, continue building your firm foundation, and remember….  Stand your ground and have absolute Faith!

Have an Amazing, Fabulous and Truly Blessed Day!

Suggested reading: The Confident Woman: Start Living Boldly and Without Fear by Joyce Meyer

Monday Musings…

In Daily Musings on November 4, 2013 at 9:02 pm

maylana's chronicles, maylana's closet #maylanascloset #blogger, #styleblogger #fur, fur, style blogger, lifestyle blogger, #lifestyleblogger

Well it’s a little late in the day, this post should have gone out first thing, but there were so many distractions.  This truly has been a glorious Monday. The clocks went back yesterday at 2:00 a.m., and because my body has not yet adjusted, I was able to wake up at my usual time, which would have been 6:00 a.m. {now 5:00 a.m.} and get an hour and a half of chores/projects completed {except posting this article}, before my true day began.

As much as I dislike driving in the dark at this time of year, I do like the fact that we gained the extra hour, {we’ll be used to it in a few weeks, so it won’t matter}.  Sunday was a nice comfortable day of church, lovely people, and great conversation. The day just did not seem to be speeding by as usual, which was nice for a change.

This year appears to be rushing to draw to a close.  2013 has been remarkable and challenging in its own right to say the least.  Have you accomplished your goals for this year, or were there a few obstacles?  Even if you haven’t accomplished everything you set out to do for this year; do what you can, even it’s just one small thing; it will give you a sense of accomplishment, and maybe create the blueprint for what you’d like to do for the coming new year.

Yesterday, my pastor talked about getting off the couch, and out of our comfort zones. We do the same things over and over and expect different results (duh!) I know there are still areas in my own life, where I really have to get off my comfortable red couch, and start to do some things very differently. I’m in the process of creating my blueprint for my journey through 2014, I hope you’re thinking of creating yours too.

And remember constantly ask yourself…

If Not Now

  There’s no time like the present!

Wishing you a fabulously chic week; Blissful Blessings to you