Be so busy loving your life, you have no time for hate, regret or fear

Posts Tagged ‘Entrepreneur’

Small Business Saturday 2016…

In Weekend Chronicles on November 28, 2015 at 12:24 pm

small business, small business Saturday, November 28


Here we are again! Thanksgiving is over and its Small Business Saturday.  The million dollar question is… Where on earth did the time go!!! This year has moved so fast, there’s been no time to think.  One minute it was January 1, new year’s day, now we’re looking at Christmas all over again.  Today, November 28th, please support small business, whether online, or brick and mortar.  Entrepreneurs truly rely on you to make this a big day for them, especially with the holidays right around the corner.

There are so many ways to find beautiful items created and sold by a small business. Just walk down your local high street, there are probably quite a few there; Etsy is also a great place to find unusual gift items created by talented individuals, and also to discover items you won’t find anywhere else. Today, ditch the big box stores (trust me they’ve made their profits for the year 100 times over), and seek out a few small businesses and make an entrepreneurs day! Happy Shopping

And remember…

Bette Davis


Fabulously Head Wrapped!

In Daily Chronicles on November 18, 2014 at 4:23 pm

Fanm Djanm - Main Pic


What I love about Instagram is that you meet and are able to follow the most interesting and creative people.  One of these people is a beautiful woman by the name of Paola.  Paola Mathe is a lifestyle blogger of Haitian descent based in New York City, but to me she is so much more than that.  She is beautiful, talented and moves to the beat of her own drum.  She exudes so much life and happiness,while embracing her rich Haitian culture.  Paola appears to be enjoying every single minute of life.  To me Paola is a woman who is living Boldly!

I have been following and collecting Paola’s Fanm Djanm (which means “Strong Woman”) head wraps for quite a while now.  These gorgeous creations are a statement unto themselves.  With their gorgeous colours and patterns, they are a sizable length, to create whatever style of head wrap you desire.  To make even more of a bold statement, you can also purchase and add a head chain; these stunning pieces of head/hair jewelry will surely cause you to stand out from the crowd.

Paola is an entrepreneur and blogger who truly inspires me.  Paola, you are a true Fanm Djanm!

To purchase your head wrap, visit Paola at her beautiful website 

Discover Paola on Instagram at @Fanmdjanm and @FindingPaola

Fanm Djanm 1


Fanm Djanm Women



All images are the property of Paola Mathe

Photographer “Live Boldly” Michael Rowe

Coffee Scrub & Me…

In Weekend Chronicles on August 10, 2014 at 5:23 pm


Coffee Scrub


I’ve been seeing a lot of coffee scrubs around the internet, especially on Instagram, the prices have ranged from $18 – $35 and a coffee scrub body-wrap can cost $100 and up if you go to a spa! Because I have an entrepreneurial spirit, I started thinking; how about I create my own (light bulb moment!)  I won’t mention the 2 most popular brands floating around on Instagram here, because I’m sure you already know who they are.  After a little research, and the gathering of  organic ingredients, I made my own batch and coaxed some dependable and quite eager associates to be my test cases (trust me they did not need much coaxing!).  After rave reviews, it turns out I just may have a really good thing here.

As you may know, caffeine, is excellent to reduce the appearance of cellulite and the other ingredients are fantastic for obtaining baby soft skin.

I’ve made a few batches and they’ve turned out really well.  I’m going to experiment with different ingredients, but I’m pleased to say that I already have pre-orders, and I’m not even up and running yet!

Here’s a batch I created for my personal use, stored in my lovely “Liberty for Target” glass, which once held one of their gorgeously scented candles. {I wish Target would release another “Liberty for Target” line}.

Stay tuned, there just might be a giveaway in the near future!



Wishing you an Amazing and Beautifully Blessed week.

heart Red

A Truly Busy Day…

In Daily Musings on February 5, 2013 at 4:59 pm

Beautiful Hat IIDo you sometimes wish you could clone yourself? Between filling orders, doing taxes, taking photos, uploading photos {and then of course my camera battery died and I didn’t charge the back up!) plus trying to write a draft on my trip to London for this blog, there is just not enough time in the day!

The image above is one of the many photos I’ve taken today, for the Maylana’s Closet Boutique. Being an entrepreneur is extremely rewarding, but there are times when we just need to grow an extra pair of hands.

Excuse me while I try to clone myself! 🙂


Monday’s Tête-à-Tête, Pinterest & Other Musings…

In Daily Musings on October 22, 2012 at 12:12 pm

Happy Monday Sweethearts! How was your weekend?  Mine was restful, the weather was gorgeous, and honestly I did not accomplish everything I wanted, but I relaxed, got another cowl started, and had a wonderful and creative exchange of ideas with my sister, as to how we want to expand our entrepreneurial endeavours.

I did not go to the Women Who Rock exhibit at the National Women In The Arts Museum as I mentioned in Friday’s post, but I promise, I will be stopping by soon; so that I can tell you all about it {I’ve got until Jan 6! :-)}

A little artistic amusement for you!

And lastly, I found these gorgeous yellow suede wedges on Pinterest, they have absolutely nothing to do with anything, but I felt they would brighten your Monday {they’ll certainly brighten mine}; plus I LOVE THEM!!  I hope you’ll check out my Pinterest boards, {there are 35 and counting!}.  If you’re a Pinterest addict like I am; follow me, let me know, and I’ll follow you; I’d love to see what you’re up to.  Creativity is what life is all about!!  Click here to see boards

Wishing you a Fantastic and Productive Monday

Love ~ Light~ Style ~ Passion

A Stylish Return…

In Daily Musings, New Loves! on July 9, 2012 at 9:30 am

It’s been one busy week! After finishing up a contract, going to lunch meetings to discuss where I’m taking the Maylana’s Closet empire next; taking numerous photos for my Etsy store (still in uploading phase, its never-ending) and then on top of that melting away in 100 degree heat! I think I have good reason to be MIA the last 4 days.  Well I’m back, rejuvenated, creative juices flowing and ready to roll! You may have noticed a few minor changes.  I’ve finally figured out how to add a tag line to my site “Living Out Loud ~ Today and Every Day” It’s a motto I’ve been living by for the last couple of years and it’s served me well.

I’ve also added a Blog Shop page; watch that space {visit it now to see a beautiful outfit from the Alexander McQueen resort collection}; lot’s of beautiful things coming soon. It will be a duplicate of some of my Etsy store listings which contains vintage items, but there will also be new/preloved items which don’t come under “vintage”, Etsy is very specific.  I will also be showcasing huge colourful crochet cowls and hats created by me for Fall/Winter 2012. My About Page has also had minor tweaking.

I was going to write a whole post on my new HP TouchSmart 520-1070 computer, but for brevity, I’m now only going to dedicate a small amount of space to it. Of course that’s my new baby above and below.  All I can say about it is I Love It!!!  It arrived on Friday and I’ve been in love ever since. It has all the bells and whistles, multi-touch screen, wireless mouse and keyboard, 2 TB hard drive, with 8GB of memory; it’s like one giant iPad if I want it to be; and I now feel like I am blogging in true style :-).  As my sister stated, it’s “A sexy bit of kit” what does that mean? well in Brit speak it means it’s a beautiful piece of machinery. It’s black, sexy and chic, like a classic Chanel dress! for more info visit

I hope you had a fantastic weekend as I did, even while wilting.  Today I woke up to 72 degrees, though humid, it was a relief!  Let’s hope this cooler spell lasts for a while.

Wishing you all a fabulous, productive and amazing week.

Smooches Dahhlings!

A Good Girl Welcome’s You Back…

In Daily Musings on May 29, 2012 at 9:40 am

My new journal

Hi Diva’s, Bombshell’s and Gentlemen, I hope you had a marvelous long weekend.  For me it was absolutely fantastic! I got some sun, accomplished quite a few projects and overall got the rest I needed.  I haven’t had a break since January.  Being an entrepreneur, blogger and all around woman of substance is a lot of work! I’m now refreshed and ready to take on the world for the next 6 months!

One of my projects was to open my Etsy Store.  I’m performing a soft opening right now, with just a few items.  I hope to have my grand opening (more items) within the next week or so.  I should also have my store banner up soon.  Take a peek at There is a 10% discount for all my Blog Followers, FB, IG and Twitter friends.

I just love this quote from my new journal

While on my travels I came across the cute journal above, which was on sale for 3.99!!  I actually picked it up because I liked the pop-art cover and really thought it was a novel of some kind (the title really attracted me). I was pleasantly surprised to find out, it was an actual journal and the icing on the cake were the quotes within:

 These are just a few of the  quotes inside (there’s about 100 pages).  We need to remind ourselves of these and any other motivational quotes on a daily basis.  If you haven’t already, it’s time to make the next 6 months matter, make something extraordinary happen.  No more procrastinating, we’re nearly 6 months in.  What will you have to show for it?

Enjoy your first day of many wonderful things to come.

A Flat Out Ballet…

In Daily Musings on May 7, 2012 at 10:24 am

While on Twitter a couple of weeks ago, I noticed a fellow tweetchic by the name of Dawn Dickson.  I clicked on her feed because I liked the look of her profile pic, in order find out what business she was in.  I found out she was the President & CEO of Flat Out Of Heels.  After clicking on her link I came across her website  Boy was I happy I did.  Here was a company with the most simple of ideas, it made me wonder why this had not been thought of before now (maybe it has, but I’ve never heard of it).  Ms. Dickson decided to create a simple and elegant rollable ballet shoe which you  unroll ~ flatten out ~ step in ~ after your 4″ heels have murdered your poor tootsies to dust. 

Here is a shoe you just slip inside your tote bag, or even a decent sized clutch; doesn’t take up much room and you always have a change of shoes no matter where you are.  But wait! It gets better… These gorgeous little shoes are available via vending machines (as well as online).  Image that, a vending machine that dispenses ballet shoes, It’s like grabbing a diet coke at work. GENIUS!!  There you are grooving away or out and about town, being your fabulous self, starting out strong and in full diva mode in your favourite towering 4″ heels, and then 4 hours later you start to feel the pinch and it gets worse and worse and you become a wimp.  Off you hobble to a Flat Out Of Heels vending machine (if you don’t already have a pair to whip out of your bag), insert your credit card and Viola! for $19.99 you’ve just purchased a pair of chic rollable ballet flats in black, red, silver, gold or leopard print. 

After you’ve popped your heels in the shoe pouch that’s included, you can continue dancing the night away or go for that 3:00 a.m after the club snack at the diner; you’re so happy your feet aren’t killing you anymore, you celebrate with a vanilla milkshake!  In my opinion $20 bucks is a small price to pay to stop my feet from hurting.   Take them with you travelling, commuting, wear while driving or when you’re just out and about and those high heels are no longer cute.  They also make great bridesmaids gifts.

In the next 24 months these machines will be available in the hottest clubs, hotels and airports, in Vegas, LA, Miami, New York, Atlanta and Chicago with more machines coming to a city near you (Washington, DC please).  If you want instant gratification, go online and order now at: (there is a $4.50 shipping charge).  I was so intrigued by these shoes that I decided to write Ms. Dickson an email telling her how much I thought this was an amazing idea and that I would be writing a blog post about these shoes.  Well lo and behold, Dawn wrote me right back, thanking me for my note; and asked me for my info, size, etc. in order to send me a complimentary pair, which I certainly did not expect.  I was so excited, I woke my sister up in London to tell her. 

Ms. Dawn Dickson ~ President & CEO ~ Flat Out Of Heels

True to her word, I received my very own pair on Friday.  This is my personal unbiased opinion of the ballet shoes… I LOVE THEM!!  When I put them on… OMG!!! they’re so comfy!  They have an elastic back and they mold to your feet; it’s feels like you’re not wearing anything; yet at the same time your feet feel cocooned!  I could sleep in these.  Those who know me, know if I wasn’t impressed, I would have given the British stiff upper lip,  politely said “thank you” and left it at that.  These beauties really are nice, the quality is impressive for such a small price. 

The packaging is an elegant black glossy box with various quotes such as “Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world” by Marilyn Monroe, or “When my feet hurt I can’t think” by Abraham Lincoln, among others.  Ladies, I know we can certainly relate.  On the inner sole of the shoes is a cute inscription congratulating you on your shoes and to slip then on and go! (to read full message, buy your own shoes!).  What’s also nice is that the black shoe bag is designed in an ingenious way to hold your ballet flats when not in use.  See here:  I for one will be purchasing a couple more pairs.

I’ve got mine! Thanks Dawn!

I’d like to thank Ms. Dawn Dickson for her generosity by sending me a pair of Flat Out of Heels Ballet Shoes in a colour of my choice.  I wish you much success.

Available sizes, small, medium, large, and extra-large.  Get yours!